News 2005
- GAMMA group released LUGPU library to compute LU decomposition of dense matrices using graphics hardware.
- DARPA’s Legacy press release on UNC’s GPU-accelerated algorithm’s technology transfer to OneSAF on August 22, 2005.
- Adaptive Dynamics by Stephane Redon, Nico Galoppo, and Ming C. Lin was highlighted in a Gamasutra article on August 11, 2005.
- GAMMA group released the OpenCCL library for computing cache-coherent layouts of graphs and meshes.
- GAMMA group’s research on GPGP was covered in Tom’s hardware guide.
- GPU-based sorting library GPUSORT was released. It was covered in SlashDot News .
- The paper entitled, Quick-CULLIDE: Efficient inter- and intra- object collision culling using graphics hardware by Naga Govindaraju, Ming C. Lin, and Dinesh Manocha received the best paper award at IEEE VR 2005.