GPGPU and Many-core Computing
Today’s graphics hardware and many-core co-processors are advancing at a much faster pace then standard microprocessors. The GAMMA research group has been working since 1998 on using the computational power of GPUs and other many-core processors for different applications.
Collision Detection and Proximity Queries
- Collision-Streams: Fast GPU-based collision detection for deformable models, I3D 2011
- Collision Streams: Fast GPU-based Collision Detection for Deformable Models, I3D 2011
- GPU-based parallel collision detection for real-time motion planning, WAFR 2010
- Fast proximity computation among deformable models using discrete Voronoi diagrams, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Collision detection between deformable models using chromatic decomposition, SIGGRAPH 2005
- Quick-CULLIDE: Efficient inter- and intra-object collision culling using graphics hardware, IEEE VR 2005
- Fast continuous collision detection for articulated models, JCISE 2005
- R-CULLIDE: Fast and reliable collision culling using GPUs, VRST 2004
- Interactive, continuous collision detection for avatars in virtual environments, IEEE VR 2004
- Fast collision detection between complex models in large environments using graphics hardware, Graphics Hardware 2003
- Fast penetration depth estimation using rasterization hardware and hierarchical refinement, SCA 2002
Computational Geometry
- Compressed Coverage Masks for Path Rendering on Mobile GPUs, I3D 2015
- GPU accelerated Convex Hull Computation, SMI 2012
- GPU-based K Nearest Neighbor Computation in High Dimensional Spaces, SIGSPATIAL 2011
- Fast proximity computation among deformable models using discrete Voronoi diagrams, SIGGRAPH 2006
- Fast 3D distance field and Voronoi diagram computation using graphics processors, Projects Collection
- Efficient computation of a simplified medial axis, SM 2003
- Fast swept volume approximation of complex polyhedral models, SM 2003
- PIVOT: Fast and simple geometric proximity queries using graphics hardware, I3D 2001
- GPU-based K-Nearest Neighbor Computation, SIGSPATIAL 2011
- GPUTeraSort: High Performance Graphics Coprocessor Sorting for Large Database Management, SIGMOD 2006
- Fast data stream mining using graphics processors, SIGMOD 2005
- Sorting 1D and 3D primitives using graphics processors, Projects Collection
- Fast database computations using graphics processors, SIGMOD 2004
Distance Fields and Voronoi Diagrams
- Efficient nearest-neighbor computation for GPU-based motion planning, IROS 2010
- Surface distance maps, GI 2007
- Interactive 3D Distance Field Computation using Linear Factorization, I3D 2006
- DiFi: Fast 3D distance field computation using graphics hardware, EUROGRAPHICS 2004
- Fast computation of generalized Voronoi diagrams using graphics hardware, SIGGRAPH 1999
Haptics and Interactive Applications
- Haptic rendering of interaction between textured models, IEEE Visualization 2004
Interactive Ray Tracing
- Guided Multiview Ray Tracing for Fast Auralization, IEEE TVCG 2012
- Fast hierarchy operations on GPU architectures, EUROGRAPHICS 2010
- Fast BVH computation on GPUs, EUROGRAPHICS 2009
- Work distribution methods on GPUs, Tec. Report 2009
Motion and Path Planning
- g-Planner: Real-time motion planning and global navigation using GPUs, AAAI 2010
- ClearPath: Highly parallel collision avoidance for multi-agent simulation, SCA 2009
- Motion planning for a deformable robot in complex environment using GPUs, RSS 2005
- F-PLAN: A Voronoi-based framework for motion planning and maintainability, WAFR 2004
- C-PLAN: Constraint-based motion planning for virtual prototyping, WAFR 2002
- V-PLAN: A Voronoi-based hybrid motion planner, IROS 2001
Numerical and Scientific Algorithms
- Cache-efficient numerical algorithms using graphics processors, Parallel Computing 2007
- GPUFFTW: High performance power-of-two FFT library using graphics processors, Tec. Report 2007
- LUGPULIB: Publicly available implementation of the LU-GPU algorithm, SC 2005
- IMPaSTo: A Realistic, Interactive Model for Paint, NPAR 2004
- Visual Simulation of Ice Crystal Growth, SCA 2003
Sound Synthesis and Propagation
- A parallel time-domain wave simulator based on rectangular decomposition for distributed memory architectures, Applied Acoustics 2015
- An efficient time-domain solver for the acoustic wave equation on graphics processors, Applied Acoustics 2012
- Guided Multiview Ray Tracing for Fast Auralization, IEEE TVCG 2012
- Numerical acoustic simulation on graphics processors, EAA Symposium on Auralization 2009
Visibility and Shadows
- Selective ray tracing for interactive high-quality shadows, Tec. Report 2009
- CC shadow volumes, EGSR 2004
- Interactive shadow generation in complex environments, SIGGRAPH 2003
- Interactive visibility computations using graphics hardware for walkthrough of complex environments, I3D 2003
- Accelerated line-of-sight computation using GPUs and region-based visibility, Projects Collection
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